www.TalktoJCPenney.com – Take JCPenny Customer Survey To Get 10% Off

by HalfMile October 22, 2019
JCPenney Customer Satisfaction Survey

Participate In JC Penny Survey And Get 10% Off

If you love to shop in department stores, you can always look for JC Penny for convenience. JCPenny is one of the popular American Department Stores. On April 14, 1902, James Cash Penney and William Henry McManus founded the first JCPenny Store In Kemmerer, Wyoming. JCPenny operates over 865 Locations across 49 States and Puerto Rico. This department store sells various items such as fashion, salon, and entertainment. It is also the place where you can find Sephora Products as well. Besides, it has several subsidiaries. Those are JCPenney Portraits, Optical, JCP Salon, JCP Custom Window and many more.

Shopping at JCPenny Department Store is the best idea. You can instantly win a 10% off coupon. You only need to participate in TalktoJCPenney Survey. Here, you can check out the procedure of the survey and get to know more.

JCPenny Products


  • Cosmetic

  • Electronics

  • Footwear

  • Furniture

  • Housewares

  • Jewelry

  • Toys

  • And, Appliances.

JC Penny Store invites you to join in TalktoJCPenney Survey. And yes, it is the place where you can share your personal opinion and critic about your previous shopping experiences. After you have accessed www.TalktoJCPenney.com Survey Site, you have to submit the survey codes at the homepage. Then, you will get a series of questionnaires about your last shopping experience. At the end of the survey, you will get the reward code appearing on your screen. Well sure, you can redeem it with 10% JCPenney Coupon Off.

Eligibility for JC Penny survey

  • A device with internet access is required.

  • You have to know the use of English and Spanish in your daily conversation.

  • You must be over than 18 years old when taking JCPenney Survey Site.

  • You have to be the real residents of the United States and Puerto Rico. Even, it is suggested that you are from the state where JCP Locations exist.

Official rules for JC Penny survey

  • JC Penny Guest Satisfaction Survey is not eligible for all JCP Employees and Subsidiaries. It includes the employee’s relatives and household members.

  • You must visit one of the JCPenny Locations and own the original receipt.

  • Guys, you can use your TalktoJCPenny Survey Codes within 7 days of the last visit. Once it has been expired, you have to get the other new survey codes.

  • On one receipt you can only give one survey.

  • You can’t redeem this coupon code in cash or any other alternative.

Taking the JC Penny survey

To take the survey you need to go to, www.TalktoJCPenney.com

  • Here, at the middle of the page, you will get a box, where you need to input,

  • The 22 digit access code

JCPenney Customer Satisfaction Survey

  • Then, click on, ‘Start’.

You will get the questions after this to answer, and only by completing the questions and answers, you can take the survey properly.

The prize of JC Penny survey

If you take the survey you might get a chance to win $500 discount on a certain amount of purchase, or you will get 10% to 15% off on your shopping. You will get a code for the 10% off, and for the bigger amount off, you will be notified by the sponsors of the survey.

If you want to shop at JC Penny, you need to know the business hours and the holidays they are closed in. This will be helpful after you have taken the survey and want to redeem the offer you have got from the stores.

JCPenny Regular Hours

  • Monday- 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM

  • Tuesday- 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM

  • Wednesday- 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM

  • Thursday- 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM

  • Friday- 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM

  • Saturday- 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM

  • Sunday- 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Just like the business hours, there is also holidays where they stay closed or remain open. If you want to shop, you need to know those days beforehand.

JCPenney Holiday Hours

  • Black Friday: Open -11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Thanksgiving Day: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Christmas Eve: Open: 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Memorial Day: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Labor Day: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Columbus Day: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Halloween: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Mother’s Day: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Cyber Monday: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Valentines Day: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Easter Monday: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • President’s Day: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Father’s Day: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • St. Patrick’s Day: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Good Friday: Open – 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • New Year’s Day: Open- Closed

  • Cinco de Mayo: Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Independence Day (4th of July): Open- 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM

  • Thanksgiving Day: Closed

  • Christmas Day: Closed

  • Easter Sunday: Closed

JC Penny business hours

  • Monday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

  • Thursday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

  • Friday: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

  • Saturday: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

  • Sunday: Closed

JC Penny more information

  • JC Penney closes some stores in 2019.

  • JC Penney closes 18 Department Stores and 9 Home and Furniture Shop.

  • You have to own over than 640 JC Penney Credit Card Scores

  • JCPenney Card is the easiest credit card that will approve your request.

  • If you use the regular JCPenney Card, you only can use that card in all JCP Locations and Subsidiaries. Meanwhile, that card contains the Master Card Logo in the corner, you are able to use it everywhere where it’s stated. Maybe, Walmart is one of them.

  • JCPenney Rewards Expire gets expired after 12 month period.

  • You can pay JC Penny bill by login at JCPenney Account at JCPenney.com. Or, you can call the customer service at 1-800-322-1189.

  • You can use two coupons if it has different categories. Through this coupon, you can get free shipping or discount at once.

Customer care

To get in touch with JC Penny, you can call on, 1-800-322-1189. Or you can write to them at, 9559 Destiny USA Dr, Syracuse, NY 13290, USA

3RCH+47 Syracuse, New York, USA.

Reference :


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