www.whitecastle.com/survey – Take White Castle Survey to win Coupons Code

by HalfMile February 09, 2022
white castle survey

White Castle Customer Survey:

Have you dined at White Castle lately and got a survey invite on the purchase receipt? If so, take part in the White Castle Customer Survey based on your latest visit to the restaurant and validate the offer on the receipt. Through this survey, you can voice your thoughts about White Castle and convey your message to the company. And analyzing your feedback White Castle can get to know their guests more. It will help them to enhance their performance and provide you with a better customer experience.

White Castle Customer Satisfaction Survey Reward:

A Redemption Code to receive the offer on your White Castle receipt by using it on your next visit to the restaurant.

Requirements to Take White Castle Customer Survey Online:

There are no hard and fast rules for the White Castle Customer Survey. You just need the basic survey rules and eligibility to maintain. Like you

  • Visit a participating White Castle store most recently.
  • Receive a survey invitation and survey code on your cash register receipt.
  • Must not be employees or any of their immediate families of White Castle, InMoment, and their affiliates and associated companies.
  • Have a computer or laptop with an internet connection to access the survey online.
  • Take the survey before the validity of your survey code expires

White Castle Guest Satisfaction Survey Completion Online:

To take White Castle Guest Satisfaction Survey online, you can use the following steps. It is short and easy; takes only a few minutes to complete. Before beginning, keep your White Castle survey invitation receipt in your hand.

  • Open the specific URL that has on your White Castle receipt. Or, go to the White Castle Survey site at www.whitecastle.com/survey.
  • Click on your preferred survey language.

white castle survey

  • Enter the 6-digit Survey Code located on your White Castle receipt just below the phone number in its field on the page.
  • Click on the arrow button to proceed.
  • Enter the sale number, team member number found on the bottom of your White Castle receipt, and select the time and date of your visit.
  • Choose how you dined with White Castle and how often you crave and eat the White Castle restaurant food on average
  • Rate your satisfaction with the given areas like food, package, price, cleanliness, team member, time, accuracy, etc.
  • Write your feedback in the comment box and complete the rest of the survey.
  • At the end of the survey, enter your 5-digit Zip Code, age group, gender, and ethnicity.
  • Enter your name and email address if you want to receive more information about White Castle.
  • When you complete the survey, your Validation Code will appear on the screen.

Write the code on your White Castle receipt to validate the offer. Take the coded receipt to a participating White Castle on your next visit. Present it while placing an order to redeem the discount or free item and enjoy it.

Also Read: Take Kohls Customer Survey to win $1000 Cash

About White Castle:

White Castle is an American privately-held fast-food hamburger restaurant chain with 377 stores in 13 States. It is a regional chain, mostly found in the Midwest. Founded in 1921 in Wichita, Kansas, by Billy Ingram and Walter Anderson White Castle is considered the first hamburger restaurant chain in the country. The chain is best known for its sliders, small square hamburgers. In 2014, Time announced the White Castle slider as ‘the most influential burger of all time’.

White Castle Customer Service:

White Castle Phone Number: 1 (800) 843-2728

Mailing Address:

555 Edgar Waldo Way
Columbus, Ohio 43215



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