www.mymichaelsvisit.com – Complete Michaels Customer Satisfaction Survey

by HalfMile February 15, 2021
Michaels Customer Survey

Michaels Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Michaels invites the crafters as well as their customers to take a short survey online and share their recent experience with the store. Michaels Customer Satisfaction Survey is conducted to know the consumers better so that the company can provide better products and services to the visitors. Therefore, give your honest feedback and helps Michaels reach the aim. To say thank you for your valuable opinion, you will receive a validation code at the end of the survey to receive some discounts on your next Michaels shopping.

Michaels Customer Satisfaction Survey Prize:

A Redemption Code to get a $25 off regular price purchases or any offer printed on your Michaels store receipt

Requirements to Take Michaels Customer Satisfaction Survey:

To participate in the Michaels Customer Satisfaction Survey online, you must be eligible and fulfill some requirements. Like you need to

  • Visit a Michaels store most recently.
  • Make a qualifying purchase and receive a purchase receipt with a survey invitation and code.
  • Be 18 years of age or older or the age of majority in your state of residence while entering into the survey.
  • Complete the survey within the next 7 days of the visit and receive the survey invitation or the date on your purchase receipt.
  • Employees, officers, directors of Michaels, and its subsidiaries, associated companies and promoting agencies or any of their immediate family members are not allowed the participation.

How to Complete Michaels Customer Satisfaction Survey Online:

To initiate the Michaels Customer Satisfaction Survey, keep your Michaels survey invitation receipt handy and take the steps listed below.

  • Visit the Michaels Survey Website on your receipt. Or, go to www.mymichaelsvisit.com
  • Switch the survey language to your preferred one from the right-hand side of the page if you want and click the “Start” button.
  • Select if you have recently visited a Michaels location and/or make a purchase.
  • Click on the “NEXT” button to proceed.
  • Michaels Customer SurveyMarks the options that describe the reasons for your trip to Michaels and rate your overall satisfaction.
  • Select the departments you shopped on your visit and answer the rest of the questions recalling your experience at that store.
  • Submit the contact details when the survey is done to see your Validation Code on the screen.
  • Write the code in the specific field on your Michaels Survey invitation receipt.

Now you can visit the Michaels store where you got the survey invite or at any participating location to redeem the code and validate the offer. You may require making a qualifying purchase to receive the$25 discount.

Also Read : Take Wesco Customer Survey

About Michaels:

Michaels Stores Inc., a part of The Michaels Companies, is the largest specialty retail chain of arts and crafts in North America. More than 1200 Michaels Stores are currently in operations in 49 States and Canada. Michael J. Dupey, a Dallas-based businessman, is the founder of the company. He opened the very first store of Michaels in 1973. The chain offers a vast selection of arts, crafts, framing, floral, wall décor, seasonal merchandise, along with a broad assortment of products helping crafters of all ages.

Contact Information:

Michaels Stores Customer Service Phone Number: 1-800-Michaels

Reference :


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